- I've spent a lot of time going across the country in an RV visiting some historic and beautiful cottages, but you must have some inside stories about some unexpected things that have happened to cottage owners. - One of the stories I could definitely think of that's hilarious is raccoons. We've had some scenarios where raccoons will actually break into the cottages, and they kinda make the kitchen their own. They make the couch their own. So we've seen some really funny stuff with raccoons, for sure. - [Jim] Are they making you dinner too? - I hope so. - But how does a cottage owner protect themselves with respect to maybe a raccoon invasion? - Just maintain the roof. Make sure the shingles are all up to date, none of them are blown off by the wind. Make sure there's no debris and garbage around and just regular maintenance to keep them out. - So you wanna laugh because you're having good times, not laugh because you have a raccoon roommate. - You got it. - [Jim] Right.